Publications and Manuscripts
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Please use only in accordance with the intentions of fair use.
Current or former students underlined. Includes links to PDFs of unpublished manuscripts.
Navarrete, C.D. Gutierrez, A., Thomas, K., McDonald, M., & Quiroz, V. (in revision). Acting White or acting rationally? Opportunity costs for Blacks and Latinos in the tradeoff between academic versus social engagement.
Navarrete, C.D., Amshay, M., & Jackson, N. (in revision). White Identity, Well-Being, and Group Interests: Is it okay to be White?
Navarrete, C.D. & Arivoli, K. (in revision). White American Nativism: The Primacy of Cultural Sentimentalism and Group Positional Maintenance as Predictors.
Current or former students underlined. Includes links to PDFs of manuscripts. Peer-reviewed publications denoted with asterisk *
Jonason, P., Underhill, D., & Navarrete, C.D. (2020). Understanding bias in terms of approach tendencies: The Dark Triad traits, sex differences, and political personality traits Personality & Individual Differences. 153, 1-5. [impact factor: 3.95]. PDF
*Kubinski, J., Jonason, P., & Navarrete, C.D. (2018). Gender differences in two motivational pathways to political conservatism. Personality and Individual Differences, 25, 145-150. [Impact Factor: 3.95] PDF
Navarrete, C.D. (2018). The biological roots of political conflict: a review of Our Political Nature: The evolutionary origins of what divides us [by Avi Tuschman, Amherst, NY: Prometheus]. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 4(2): 155-157. [impact factor: 1.84] PDF
Tybur, J. & Navarrete, C.D. (2017). Interrupting bias in social psychology: Evolutionary psychology as a guide. In Forgas, J., & Jessum, L., Eds., Frontiers in Social Psychology Series: The Politics of Social Psychology,Psychology Press: NY. PDF
* Fong, D., Navarrete, C.D., Perfecto, S., Carr, A., Jimenez, E., & Mendez, M. (2017). Behavioral and autonomic reactivity to moral dilemmas in frontotemporal dementia vs. Alzheimer’s disease. Social Neuroscience, 12, 309-418. [Impact Factor: 2.88.] PDF
* McDonald, M., Defever, A., & Navarrete, C.D. (2017). Killing for the greater good: Impersonal versus personal distinctions influence emotional inhibition of harmful action in a virtual moral dilemma. Evolution & Human Behavior. 38, 770-778. [Impact Factor: 5.45.] PDF
* Lute, M., Navarrete, C.D., Nelson, M., & Gore, M. (2016). Moral dimensions in human-wildlife conflict. Conservation Biology, 30, 1200-1211. [Impact Factor: 4.85.] PDF
* Holbrook, C., Fessler, D., & Navarrete, C.D. (2016). Looming large in others' eyes: Racial stereotypes illuminate dual adaptations for representing threat versus prestige as physical size. Evolution & Human Behavior, 37, 67-78.[Impact Factor: 4.17.] PDF
Hoffman, M., Yoel, E. & Navarrete, C.D. (2016). Game theory and morality. In Shackelford, T. & Hansen, R. (Eds.).Evolution of Morality. Springer: NY. pp. 289-316. PDF
* McDonald, M., Cesario, J., Donnellan, B., & Navarrete, C.D. (2015). Mate choice preferences in an intergroup context: Evidence for a threat-management system among women. Evolution & Human Behavior, 36, 438–445.[Impact Factor: 4.17.] PDF
* McDonald, M. & Navarrete, C.D. (2015). Examining the link between conception risk and intergroup bias: The importance of conceptual coherence. [Peer-reviewed commentary] Psychological Science, 26, 253-255. [Impact Factor: 10.13]. PDF
* Molapour T., Golkar A., Navarrete C.D., Haaker J., & Olsson A. (2015). Neural correlates of biased fear learning and interaction in an intergroup context. NeuroImage, 121,171-183. [Impact Factor: 7.4] PDF
Tybur, J., & Navarrete, C.D. (2015). When theory trumps ideology: Lessons from evolutionary psychology. [Commentary on “Political Diversity Will Improve Social Psychological Science.” by Duarte, J., Crawford, J. Stern, C., Haidt, J., Jussim, L., & Tetlock, P.] Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, 40-41. [Impact Factor: 17.77] PDF
* Fessler, D., Pisor, A., & Navarrete, C.D. (2014). Negatively-biased credulity and the cultural evolution of beliefs. Plos One, 9(4), 1-8. [Impact Factor: 3.75] PDF
* Cesario, J. & Navarrete, C.D. (2014). Perceptual bias in threat distance: The critical roles of ingroup support and target evaluations in defensive threat regulation. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 12-17. [Impact Factor: 3.65] PDF
Navarrete, C.D. & McDonald, M. (2014). Sexual selection and the psychology of intergroup conflict. In Shackelford, T. & Hansen, R. (Eds.). Evolution of Violence. Springer: NY. pp. 99-116. PDF
Navarrete, C.D. & Tybur, J. (2013). The psychology of intergroup prejudice from an adaptationist perspective. In Stangor, C., & Crandall, C. (Eds.), Stereotyping and Prejudice, Frontiers in Social Psychology Book Series,Psychology Press: NY. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., McDonald, M., Mott, M., & Asher, B. (2012). Virtual morality: Emotion and action in a simulated 3-D “trolley problem.” Emotion, 12(2), 364-70. [Impact Factor: 5.56]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., McDonald, M., Asher, B., Yokota, K., Olsson, A., Kerr, N., & Sidanius, J. (2012). Fear is readily associated with an out-group face in a minimal group context. Evolution & Human Behavior, 22(5), 590-593.[Impact Factor: 4.17.] PDF
Navarrete, C.D. & McDonald, M. (2012). Faustian bargains for minorities within group-based hierarchies.[Commentary on "Beyond prejudice: Are negative evaluations the problem and is getting us to like one another more the solution?" by Dixon et al.], 36(2), Behavioral & Brain Sciences. [Impact Factor: 17.17] PDF
* McDonald, M., Navarrete, C.D., & van Vugt, M. (2012). Evolution and the psychology of intergroup conflict: The “male warrior” hypothesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367(1589), 670-679. [Impact Factor: 6.67]. PDF
* McDonald, M., Donnellan, B., & Navarrete, C.D. (2012). A life history approach to understanding the Dark Triad.Personality & Individual Differences, 52(5), 601-605. [Impact Factor: 3.95]. PDF
Navarrete, C.D. (2012). Coping with germs and people: Investigating the link between pathogen threat and human social cognition. [Commentary on “Parasite-stress promotes in-group assortative sociality,” by Fincher, C. & Thornhill, R.] Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 35(1), 89-90. [Impact Factor: 17.13] PDF
* McDonald, M., Asher, B., Kerr, N., & Navarrete, C.D. (2011). Fertility and intergroup bias in racial and in minimal group contexts: Evidence for shared architecture. Psychological Science, 22(7), 860-865. [Impact Factor: 10.13]. PDF
* Snyder, J., Fessler, D., Tiokhin, L., Frederick, D., Lee, S., & Navarrete, C.D. (2011). Trade offs in a dangerous world: Women's fear of crime predicts preferences for aggressive and formidable mates. Evolution & Human Behavior, 32, 127–137. [Impact Factor: 4.13] PDF
Navarrete, C.D. (2011). Intergroup bias as a natural phenomenon. In Wang, X.T & Yang-Jie, S. (Eds.), Thus Speak Evolutionary Psychologists. Peking University Press: Beijing, China. pp. 114-123. PDF
McDonald, M., Sidanius, J., & Navarrete, C. (2011). Developing a theory of gendered prejudice: An evolutionary and social dominance perspective. In Kramer, R., Leonardelli, A., & Livingston, R., (Eds.), Social Cognition, Social Identity, and Intergroup Relations: A Festschrift in Honor of Marilynn Brewer. Psychology Press Festschrift Series, Taylor and Francis; pp. 189-220. PDF
* Cesario, J., Plaks, S., Hagiwara, N., Navarrete, C.D., & Higgins, T. (2010). The ecology of automaticity: How situational contingencies shape action semantics and social behavior. Psychological Science, 20(9), 1311-17.[Impact Factor: 10.13]. PDF
* Santos Fleischman, D., Navarrete, C.D., & Fessler D. (2010). Oral contraceptives suppress ovarian hormone production. [Peer-reviewed commentary] Psychological Science, 21, 750-751. [Impact Factor: 10.13]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., McDonald, M., Mott, M., Cesario, J., & Sapolsky, R. (2010). Fertility and race perception predict voter preference for Barack Obama. Evolution & Human Behavior, 31(6), 391-99. [Impact Factor: 4.17] PDF
* Tybur, J., Merriman, L., Caldwell Hooper, A., McDonald, M., & Navarrete, C.D. (2010). Extending the behavioral immune system to political psychology: Are political conservatism and disgust sensitivity really related? Evolutionary Psychology, 8(4), 599-616. . [Impact Factor: 1.98]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., McDonald, M., Molina, L., & Sidanius, J. (2010). Prejudice at the nexus of race and gender: An out-group male target hypothesis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 98(6), 933-45. [Impact Factor: 7.17]. PDF
* Settles, I., Navarrete, C.D., Pagano, S., Abdou, C. & Sidanius, J. (2010). Depression and ethnic identity among African-American women. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(2), 248-255. [Impact Factor: 4.04]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., Fessler, D. Santos Fleischman, D., & Geyer, J. (2009). Race bias tracks conception risk across the menstrual cycle. Psychological Science, 20, 661-665. [Impact Factor: 10.17]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., Olsson, A., Ho, A., Mendes, W., Thomsen, L., & Sidanius, J. (2009). Fear extinction to an out-group face: The role of target gender. Psychological Science, 20(2), 155-158. [Impact Factor: 10.17]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., Fessler, D., & Eng, S. (2007). Increased ethnocentrism in the first trimester of pregnancy. Evolution & Human Behavior, 28(1), 60-65. [Impact Factor: 4.17]. PDF
* Kirkpatrick, L. & Navarrete, C.D. (2006). Target Article: ‘Reports of my death anxiety have been greatly exaggerated’: A critique of terror management theory from an evolutionary perspective. Psychological Inquiry, 17(4), 288-298. [Impact Factor: 6.13]. PDF
* Sidanius, J., Mitchell, M., Haley, H., & Navarrete, C.D. (2006). Support for harsh criminal sanctions, legitimizing ideologies, and Social Dominance Orientation, Social Justice Research, 19(4), 433-449. [Impact Factor: 1.77]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D. & Fessler, D. (2006). Disease avoidance and ethnocentrism: The effects of disease vulnerability and disgust sensitivity on intergroup attitudes, Evolution & Human Behavior, 27(4), 270-282. [Impact Factor: 4.17]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D. (2005). Mortality concerns and other adaptive challenges: The effects of coalition-relevant challenges on worldview defense in the U.S. and Costa Rica. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 8(4), 411-427. [Impact Factor: 3.13]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D. & Fessler, D. (2005). Normative bias and adaptive challenges: A relational approach to coalitional psychology and a critique of terror management theory. Evolutionary Psychology, 3, 297-325. [Impact Factor: 1.98]. PDF
* Fessler, D., Eng, S., and Navarrete, C.D. (2005). Elevated disgust sensitivity in the first trimester of pregnancy: Evidence supporting the compensatory prophylaxis hypothesis. Evolution & Human Behavior, 26(4), 344-351.[Impact Factor: 4.17.]. PDF
* Fessler, D. & Navarrete, C.D. (2005). The effect of age on death disgust: A critique of terror management perspectives. Evolutionary Psychology, 3, 276-297. [Impact Factor: 1.98]. PDF
* Fessler, D., Navarrete, C.D., Hopkins, W., & Izard, M.K. (2005). Examining the terminal investment hypothesis in humans and chimpanzees: Associations among maternal age, parity and birth weight. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 127, 95-104. [Impact Factor: 2.67]. PDF
* Fessler, D. & Navarrete, C.D. (2004). Third-party attitudes towards sibling incest: Evidence for the Westermark hypothesis. Evolution & Human Behavior, 25(5), 277- 294. [Impact Factor: 4.17]. PDF
* Manson, J., Navarrete, C.D., Silk, J., & Perry, S. (2004). Time-matched grooming by female primates? New analyses from two species.Animal Behaviour, 67, 493-500. [Impact Factor: 2.84]. PDF
* Navarrete, C.D., Kurzban, R., Fessler, D., & Kirkpatrick, L. (2004). Anxiety and intergroup bias: Terror-management or coalitional psychology? Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 7(4), 370-397. [Impact Factor: 3.13]. PDF
* Fessler, D. & Navarrete, C.D. (2003). Domain-specific variation in disgust sensitivity across the menstrual cycle. Evolution & Human Behavior, 24(6), 406-417. [Impact Factor: 4.17.]. PDF
* Fessler, D. & Navarrete, C.D. (2003). Meat is good to taboo: Dietary proscriptions as a product of the interaction of psychological mechanisms and social processes. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 3(1), 1-40. [Impact Factor: 0.80]. PDF